5 for 5 Introducing The Westside Children’s Center
With the recent changes over here at The Brand Gals we decided it was time to bring in a new member to the 5 for 5 family: The Westside Children’s Center! This is an organization that Kelsey has worked closely with over the past 2 years. We are absolutely crazy about their commitment to our […]
5 for 5 -Nuru Founder Honored by Dalai Lama
Obviously we are big fans of Jake Harriman, founder of Nuru International, so we are stoked to celebrate with him in this great achievement and honor! Congrats Jake! Originally posted on Nuru International Blog. Over the past five years, I have spent most of my days kicking up dust as I walked from field to field […]
5 for 5 Focus: Inside Out Community Arts DANCE PARTY
Recently we checked in with the Inside Out blog and found this gem: In 2003-2004 a talented Los Angeles based musician Kristin Barnes worked with her son to create a powerful and uplifting original song for Inside Out Community Arts that helps to teach young people that the direction of their lives is really up […]
5 for 5: Why Loaning is Better than Giving
Below is a repost from worldvisionmicro.com. Jessie Walters makes several interesting points about how loaning somebody money can often have longer lasting effects than simply gifting it to them. Thanks for the insight Jessie! Imagine that someone you’d never met walked up and handed you $500. No requirements, no strings attached. Just, “here, you’re $500 […]