5 for 5: Inside-Out Community Arts Video
5 for 5: Nightlight International- Interview with Founder
5 for 5: World Vision Micro – How it works
In honor of the new year, I have doubled my determination to spread the word about the five non-profit organizations I have selected to benefit. To kick off 2014, I’m going to start a short video series that will underscore the mission statement and introduce the fundamental values of each of these organizations.. These episodes […]
5 for 5 Focus: World Vision Micro
We all know the saying, “Give a man a fish and he can eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he can eat for a lifetime”. The World Vision Micro-Loan Program not only teaches a man to fish; it helps him buy his first rod, net, boat, and dock. This program supports […]
5 for 5 Focus: Southern California Foster Family and Adoption Agency
The Southern California Foster Family and Adoption Agency looks out for kids who don’t have anybody else looking out for them. Abused, abandoned and neglected children all turn to the SCFFAA for support when their own families have let them down. Southern California Foster Family and Adoption Agency provides for the well-being of children, and […]
5 for 5 Focus: Nuru International
What is extreme poverty? The World Bank defines it as living on less than $1.25 per day. The organization Nuru shook its head at this definition. While it is the indicator of extreme poverty, they did not believe it was the root of such poverty. After all, financial aid pours into these countries frequently but […]