
Congratulations! You won the lottery!

Today we are talking about that little green monster. You know, the one who rears her ugly head when you see your competition on a lavish vacation or your friend land a great new gig while you’re still struggling along. Jealousy is one of those things in life that the only way around it, it […]

How being honest grows your business.

WARNING: today’s post is a little bit touchy. Read on only with an open mind  Today we are going to talk about HONESTY: Of course there are a lot of things we could say about being honest, but we are going to hope that your parents taught you most of the important stuff, and focus on […]

Dear Brand Gals – There is No Such Thing as Failure

Q:  How do I learn from failure in my business and not let it get the best of me? A: I have a huge news flash for you : There is not such thing as REAL failure! You have to understand that every so-called “failure” is only a seed for success. Every downfall you encounter […]

How a girls night out changed everything

So last night I went out -something that literally never happens anymore. I am a wife, a mom, a busy entrepreneur who can barely keep up with her friends. So even making the time to go out was kind of a big deal. And, if I’m being totally honest, I was a little bit nervous. […]