
Networking: How To Do It Right!

Here is the networking fairytale: You show up to a networking event, business cards in hand. As you make your way around the room, its like magic. You just connect with so many like minded professionals who totally need you! They want to talk with you and help you and buy from you -they get […]

The Importance of Your “WHY” -Los Angeles Branding Photography

As an entrepreneur people often ask me not only what I do for a living, but also why I do it. The answer to this is really important because this is my “WHY”. WHY do I get up every morning, WHY do I work really hard & sometimes feel like I’m spinning my wheels, WHY are […]

How to audit your brand

SO YOU ARE RUNNING YOUR OWN, LUCRATIVE, EXCITING, PASSION FILLED BUSINESS… RIGHT? If the answer to this is not a resounding YES!!!!!!! Then its time to take a good look as to why not. I would argue that your brand itself is the single best way to measure the health, status, and overall sense of […]

Why Head Shots Are NOT Enough -Los Angeles Branding Photography

When I first moved back here to Los Angeles and decided to launch my photography business, I figured I would get into head shots, at least on the side. It seemed like the logical thing to do considering there are something like 3,000-4,000 actors, singer, and general “talent” that move to LA every single month […]

How being honest grows your business.

WARNING: today’s post is a little bit touchy. Read on only with an open mind  Today we are going to talk about HONESTY: Of course there are a lot of things we could say about being honest, but we are going to hope that your parents taught you most of the important stuff, and focus on […]

Rant: Bad Branding from so called “gurus”

RANT ALRERT: There times in your business to be righteously upset. Right now is one of those moments for me. I absolutely cannot STAND people who call themselves “branding experts” or talk about brand in ANY professional way who don’t have good branding themselves!!! And I literally see it in my news feeds every single […]