


photo + video shoots that tell your brand story



photo + video shoots that
tell your brand story

Dear Brand Gals – Client Communication

q&a12Q: How are you able to identify the way your target client communicates? I am having trouble communicating through wording and copy to my target : outdoor high-end wedding clients. Do you send out surveys? Hold interviews? Hire someone else to do it? Would love to know how you developed your copy. Thank you!

A: To begin, I would be willing to wager a bet that your high-end wedding clients care a lot less about what you have to say through copy, and a lot more about whether or not you can capture the FEELING of their big day.

That said, I would go as visual as possible. Brides these days are all about Pinterest. See what kinds of pins get the most traction and how you might use your own photos to make image based graphics and messages to your clients. You can post these on social media as well as on your website.

If copy itself is really what is holding you back, before hiring a professional copywriter, make sure that you are clear on your brand messaging and voice. If you are still struggling at that point, I might actually consider hiring a professional copywriter. It will usually cost a few hundred dollars but can be very effective. Remember that most of the time, your bride will want to know that you “get her” so make sure your copy bares your voice first and foremost.

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