Q: Does it make more sense to have the name of your company be your actual name or something more “catchy”?
A: Oh! The naming of the company. This is no small question. I do however, have some thoughts on this.
In our experience, we would say that it depends greatly on the nature of your business.
If you are in a service based industry (photographer, designer, event planner, etc.) then we would strongly recommend that you in some way name the company for yourself. Why? Because you are your brand, people are buying you in all your uniqueness. They are paying for the boutique experience only you can provide them.
On the other hand, if you are in a product based business (apparel, business to business, paper company, etc.) I would recommend getting clever and creative with the naming of your business. You want the name of your company to tell people something about what you do. I hope this helps!